Culturally Sensitive Social Work Assessments and Intervention with Prospera Tedam
Training Resources
The West Midlands Social Work Teaching Partnership are working in conjunction with Prospera Tedam delivering training on Culturally Sensitive Social Work Assessments & Intervention. This 1-day training focuses on social work assessments and encourages practitioners to use new and contemporary frameworks in their assessments and interventions with service users and their families. It is aimed at enhancing participants’ understanding of cultural competence, anti- racist and anti-oppressive practice.

The sessions also introduce the MANDELA model and the 4D2P Framework. The MANDELA model developed in 2012, is a relationship building tool which supports anti-racist practice in social work. There is one course left to run with spaces available. It will be held on 11th March 10:00am - 4:00pm.
Following your completion of the course, here are links to the resources used.
Culturally Informed SW Assessments and Interventions
Introducing the 4D2P Framework
Culturally Sensitive SW Assessments & Intervention Video

In addition to the above resources Prospera references the following texts within the course:
• Dominelli, L. (2002) Anti-oppressive social work theory and practice. London. Palgrave Macmillan.
• Di’Angelo, R (2018) White Fragility: Why its so hard for white people to talk about racism. Boston. Beacon Press.
• French, J.R and Raven, B. (1959) The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright (Ed.), Studies in social power (p. 150–167). University of Michigan.
• Tedam,P. (2020) Anti-Oppressive . Social Work Practice. London. Learning Matters